Tyler grew up in western Oregon and spent time exploring all that the Pacific Northwest offers. As a student at the University of Oregon, Tyler joined the UO club sailing team and sailed in regattas from San Francisco to Seattle. During his junior year, Tyler was able to study abroad with Seamester, a tall ship program based in the British Virgin Islands. Graduating with a BA in History from Oregon State University, Tyler took a position with Ballentine’s Boat Shop in Massachusetts and has gained skills in marine finishing, rigging, sales, and yacht brokerage. At the time he joined BBS, the company took ownership and building responsibilities of two classic Herreshoff replications, the Stuart Knockabout and the Doughdish. After this transition, Tyler’s responsibilities grew into marketing and photo/video content creation for all three companies. While continuing his work at BBS, Tyler has grown a photography career focused on classic yachts. He has built a following for his published images and written articles in WoodenBoat, Classic Boat, Soundings, and other leading marine publications. His commercial clients include, Arey’s Pond Boatyard, First Light Boatworks, and ZAR New England. Tyler also co-hosts the popular marine podcast Around the Buoy with Carter Richardson, owner of East Passage Boatwrights.
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